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Leaving When You Are Still in Love

Tomorrow is my last day at Augsburg College, an amazing place in Minneapolis that on September 1 officially will be Augsburg University . I've been fortunate to serve our students, faculty, staff, and community for more about 6.5 years. It's a time I've cherished and valued. I've made friends among our students. Among our faculty. And among our staff. I've been blessed beyond compare to be here and find my job challenging and rewarding -- something many people don't get to say about their work life. I'm not leaving because I'm angry. I'm not at all mad. I'm not leaving because I no longer like my job. In fact, it's a fun time and one of change and excitement. I'm leaving at a time when I mostly still am in love with this place and its mission. Before getting into why I'm leaving, I need to give a shout out to the media -- television, newspapers, radio. It's been my great joy to help you find sources for your stories, to ...

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